Well, I love my friends (and family) and so here are some of their websites (if they have them)


These are in alphabetical order cuz I don't want anyone getting pissed cuz they aren't on the TOP of the list.

If you want your website added, there's a really lengthy application process and it will take about 6-8 weeks to process all of the paperwork. Oh, and there's a $199 application fee with a daily subscription fee of $29.99 if you are approved. JUST KIDDING! Just email me or sign my guestbook or call me or hit me up side the head or whatever you feel like doing at the time.

There won't be many for a while cuz it seems most of my friends these days aren't that techy.

Danny MacFarlane
Erich Breitkreutz
Jeremy Noetzelman (his consulting website... he's a *consultant*, you know like Bob and Bob who love Michael Bolton from Office Space)
Kristina Noetzelman (not my little sister, but my sister-in-law).
Simon MacFarlane

My comments, notes, etc. Mostly just my ramblings.
Ask Snick - Advice Colum written by my dog Snickers, the Famous Web Star
Links to stuff
- Friends' websites
- Music that I like
- Movies that I love
- Photos of me
- Pictures of my friends & family
- My pets
- Other cool pictures
The story of my life..
My guestbook

Last Updated February 2nd 2003.
Currently playing on Winamp: Wallflowers - Sleepwalker